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Goanywhere Only Txt Files in Folder Check for Rename Changes

Goanywhere Only Txt Files in Folder Check for Rename Changes

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses and organizations rely heavily on automation to manage various tasks, especially when it comes to file handling. GoAnywhere, a popular Managed File Transfer (MFT) solution, offers a range of features designed to streamline file transfers, automate processes, and enhance security. One common task that users may need to automate is checking for specific file types—such as TXT files—in a folder and renaming them if any changes have occurred. This article delves into the steps involved in using GoAnywhere to check for only TXT files in a folder and apply rename changes as necessary.

Why Automate TXT File Checks and Renaming?

Before diving into the technical details, it’s important to understand why automating the process of checking and renaming files is so beneficial, especially in environments that deal with large volumes of data. Here are a few reasons:

  1. Increased Efficiency: Manual checks can be time-consuming and error-prone, especially when dealing with numerous files. Automating the process speeds up workflows.
  2. Reduced Errors: Renaming files manually opens the door to human errors. Automation ensures that the correct naming conventions are applied consistently.
  3. Real-Time Updates: Automated systems can check for changes and rename files as soon as they are detected, ensuring that the most up-to-date files are available without delays.
  4. Compliance: Many industries have strict file-naming conventions for data processing, and automating file renaming ensures compliance without manual oversight.

Setting Up GoAnywhere to Monitor TXT Files

GoAnywhere allows users to automate processes through workflows, triggers, and schedules. By setting up a workflow, you can instruct the system to monitor a specific folder for only TXT files, check for changes, and rename them when necessary.

Step 1: Define the Source Folder

The first step in setting up the process in GoAnywhere is to define the folder you want to monitor. This folder can reside on your local system or a network location, depending on your infrastructure.

  1. Login to GoAnywhere MFT.
  2. Go to the Projects tab.
  3. Create a new project, and define a name for it, like “TXT_File_Monitor”.
  4. Select Define Variables to create a variable for the folder path. Let’s name this variable SourceFolderPath.
SourceFolderPath = "/your/directory/path/"

Step 2: Filter Only TXT Files

Next, you need to ensure that the workflow only checks for TXT files. This is where GoAnywhere’s file filtering options come into play. You can set the workflow to look only for files with a .txt extension.

  1. After defining the source folder, select the File Filter action from the available options.
  2. In the filter, specify the file extension to .txt.
  3. You can also set additional filters such as filename patterns if needed (e.g., starting with certain letters or including specific numbers).
Filter = "*.txt"

This filter will ensure that only TXT files in the specified folder are checked.

Step 3: Check for File Changes

To check if any file changes have occurred (i.e., new files have been added or existing files have been modified), GoAnywhere allows you to compare file metadata such as timestamps.

  1. Use the List Files action to retrieve the list of all TXT files in the folder.
  2. GoAnywhere allows you to compare the current state of the files in the folder to a previous state. One way to do this is by comparing the last modified date or timestamp of each file.
  3. You can define a conditional logic to determine whether any file has changed. For example, you might compare the file’s last modified timestamp to a stored timestamp from the last check.

Here’s a basic structure of the logic:

If CurrentFile.Timestamp != PreviousFile.Timestamp
Perform Action

This logic will trigger only when a file has been modified or added since the last check.

Step 4: Rename Files Based on Changes

Once you’ve identified which files have changed or have been added, the next step is to rename them. GoAnywhere provides several options for renaming files based on your requirements. For instance, you might want to add a timestamp to the file name, append a sequence number, or rename the file according to a specific convention.

  1. Use the Rename File action in the workflow.
  2. Define the renaming convention. You could append the date and time to the file name, or a version number, as shown below:
NewFileName = CurrentFileName + "_v2_" + DateTime.Now()

This renaming convention will create a version number (_v2_) followed by the current date and time.

  1. You can also add additional logic to rename files based on specific conditions. For example, if a file with the same name already exists in the destination folder, you can append a unique identifier.
If FileExists(NewFileName)
NewFileName = CurrentFileName + "_uniqueID"

Step 5: Automate the Workflow

Once your workflow is ready, the next step is to schedule it. GoAnywhere allows you to automate this process by running the workflow at specific intervals, such as every hour or at the end of each business day.

  1. Go to the Triggers tab and create a new trigger.
  2. Define the conditions under which the trigger will execute the workflow (e.g., when a new file is added to the folder).
  3. Set the trigger to activate the TXT file check and rename workflow.

You can also schedule the workflow to run at regular intervals using the Scheduler in GoAnywhere.

Step 6: Error Handling and Logging

While automation is powerful, it’s important to implement error handling to account for any issues that may arise during the process. GoAnywhere allows you to add error-handling steps in your workflow to catch and log any errors that occur.

  1. Add an Error Handling step at the end of your workflow to catch any unexpected errors.
  2. Use the Log Message action to store a log of all errors, warnings, and successful renames.
If ErrorOccurred
LogMessage = "Error renaming file: " + CurrentFileName
LogMessage = "File renamed successfully: " + NewFileName

This ensures that you have a clear log of what occurred during the process, which can help with troubleshooting if necessary.

Step 7: Notify Users or Administrators

In some cases, you may want to notify users or administrators when changes have been made to the files. GoAnywhere can send email notifications when certain actions are completed, such as when a file is renamed.

  1. Use the Send Email action to notify relevant stakeholders of any file changes.
  2. Customize the email message with details about the file changes.
EmailBody = "The following file has been renamed: " + NewFileName

This step is optional but can be beneficial in situations where users need to be informed of changes in real-time.


Automating the process of checking and renaming TXT files in a folder using GoAnywhere MFT provides numerous benefits, from improving efficiency to reducing errors and ensuring compliance with naming conventions. By leveraging GoAnywhere’s powerful workflow tools, you can easily set up a system to monitor specific folders, check for file changes, and apply renames based on your business requirements. Additionally, incorporating error handling, logging, and notifications ensures that the process runs smoothly and transparently.

With this guide, you now have a clear understanding of how to set up and automate the task of checking and renaming TXT files within GoAnywhere, unlocking new efficiencies for your file management needs.


Patrick Vega

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