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No Products for These Locations in Merchant Center Feed

No Products for These Locations in Merchant Center Feed

Encountering the “No Products for These Locations” error in your Google Merchant Center feed can be a frustrating experience. This issue arises when your product data feed fails to match specific locations or regions specified in your Merchant Center account. As a result, your products may not appear in relevant search results or product listings for those areas, potentially impacting your sales and visibility.

The “No Products for These Locations” error is a common challenge faced by many merchants, particularly those operating in multiple regions or countries. It can occur due to various reasons, including incorrect or incomplete data mapping, conflicting location settings, or changes in Google’s policies or algorithms.

To effectively address this issue, it’s crucial to understand the underlying causes and take appropriate measures to ensure your product data feed aligns with Google’s requirements and your desired target locations.

Common reasons for the error

There are several potential reasons why you might encounter the “No Products for These Locations” error in your Merchant Center feed. Here are some of the most common ones:

  1. Incorrect location targeting settings: Ensure that your location targeting settings in the Merchant Center account accurately reflect the regions or countries where you want your products to be visible.
  2. Incomplete or inaccurate product data: If your product data feed lacks specific location-related information or contains errors, Google may not be able to match your products to the targeted locations.
  3. Conflicting location data: In some cases, there might be conflicting location data within your product feed or between your feed and your Merchant Center account settings.
  4. Policy or algorithm changes: Google regularly updates its policies and algorithms, which can sometimes lead to location-related issues if your product data feed does not comply with the new requirements.
  5. Technical issues or feed processing errors: Occasional technical glitches or feed processing errors on Google’s end can also contribute to the “No Products for These Locations” error.

How to identify the affected locations

To effectively troubleshoot the “No Products for These Locations” error, you need to identify the specific locations or regions where your products are not appearing. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Check the Merchant Center account diagnostics: In your Merchant Center account, navigate to the “Diagnostics” section. Here, you’ll find a list of locations where Google has detected issues with your product data feed.
  2. Review the “Products” tab: Visit the “Products” tab in your Merchant Center account and filter your product listings by location. This will help you identify the regions or countries where your products are not being displayed.
  3. Analyze your product performance reports: Examine your product performance reports, paying close attention to any location-specific data or insights. This can help you pinpoint the affected areas more precisely.

Once you’ve identified the locations where your products are not appearing, you can move on to the troubleshooting and resolution steps.

Troubleshooting the issue

To resolve the “No Products for These Locations” error, you’ll need to carefully examine your product data feed and Merchant Center account settings. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Verify your location targeting settings: Double-check your location targeting settings in the Merchant Center account to ensure they are accurate and up-to-date. Make any necessary adjustments to include or exclude specific regions or countries as desired.
  2. Review your product data feed: Thoroughly examine your product data feed to identify any missing or incorrect location-related information, such as:
    • Country codes
    • Region or state codes
    • Shipping and tax settings
    • Currency information
  3. Check for conflicting location data: Ensure that the location data in your product feed is consistent with your Merchant Center account settings. If there are any discrepancies, resolve them by updating the relevant information.
  4. Update your product data feed: After making the necessary corrections to your product data feed, upload the updated version to your Merchant Center account. This will allow Google to re-process your feed and potentially resolve the “No Products for These Locations” error.
  5. Request a manual review: If the issue persists after updating your product data feed, you can request a manual review from Google’s support team. They may be able to provide further assistance or identify any remaining issues with your feed or account settings.

Updating your Merchant Center feed

Once you’ve identified and addressed the root cause of the “No Products for These Locations” error, it’s time to update your Merchant Center feed with the corrected information. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Export your existing product data feed: Start by exporting your current product data feed from your Merchant Center account. This will serve as a backup and allow you to compare the updated version with the previous one.
  2. Make the necessary changes: Open the exported product data feed file (typically a CSV or TXT file) in a spreadsheet or text editor. Locate the fields related to location information, such as country codes, region codes, shipping settings, and currency.
  3. Update the location-related fields: Carefully review and update the location-related fields in your product data feed, ensuring that the information is accurate and consistent with your desired target locations.
  4. Save and validate the updated feed: Once you’ve made the necessary changes, save the updated product data feed file. Then, use Google’s feed validation tool or a third-party feed validation service to ensure that your updated feed is free of errors and complies with Google’s requirements.
  5. Upload the updated feed to Merchant Center: After validating the updated feed, upload it to your Merchant Center account. Google will process the new feed, and if everything is correct, your products should start appearing in the relevant locations.

Remember, it may take some time for Google to process and reflect the changes in your product listings, so be patient and monitor your account for any updates or improvements.

Tips for preventing the error in the future

While the “No Products for These Locations” error can be frustrating, there are several proactive steps you can take to minimize the chances of encountering it in the future:

  1. Regularly review your location targeting settings: Periodically review your location targeting settings in your Merchant Center account to ensure they are up-to-date and accurately reflect your desired target regions or countries.
  2. Implement robust data quality checks: Establish processes and procedures to regularly check the accuracy and completeness of your product data feed, particularly regarding location-related information.
  3. Stay informed about policy and algorithm changes: Keep yourself updated on any changes or updates to Google’s policies, algorithms, or requirements related to location targeting and product data feeds. Adjust your processes accordingly to ensure compliance.
  4. Automate feed updates and validation: Consider implementing automated processes or tools to streamline the process of updating and validating your product data feed. This can help minimize human errors and ensure that your feed is always up-to-date and compliant.
  5. Leverage location-specific data sources: If you operate in multiple regions or countries, consider leveraging location-specific data sources or databases to ensure accurate and consistent location-related information in your product data feed.

By following these tips and staying proactive, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering the “No Products for These Locations” error and maintain a smooth and effective product listing experience on Google.

Working with Google support for further assistance

If you’ve followed all the troubleshooting steps and still cannot resolve the “No Products for These Locations” error, it may be time to seek further assistance from Google’s support team. Here’s how you can approach this:

  1. Gather relevant information: Before contacting Google support, gather as much relevant information as possible, including:
    • Screenshots or error messages from your Merchant Center account
    • Details about the affected locations
    • Steps you’ve taken to troubleshoot the issue
    • Copies of your product data feed (both the original and updated versions)
    • Any error reports or validation results
  2. Submit a support request: In your Merchant Center account, navigate to the “Support” section and submit a new support request. Provide a clear and detailed description of the issue you’re facing, including the “No Products for These Locations” error and the specific locations affected.
  3. Provide additional information: Be prepared to provide any additional information or documentation that Google’s support team may request. This could include access to your Merchant Center account, product data feed samples, or more details about your business and operations.
  4. Follow up and stay persistent: If the initial response from Google’s support team does not fully resolve the issue, don’t hesitate to follow up and provide additional information or clarification. Be persistent and polite in your communication, as complex issues may require multiple rounds of troubleshooting.
  5. Consider escalating the issue: If you’ve exhausted all other options and the issue remains unresolved, you may need to escalate the matter to a higher level of support or seek assistance from a Google partner or certified professional.

Working closely with Google’s support team can be invaluable in resolving complex issues like the “No Products for These Locations” error, especially if the root cause is not immediately apparent or if there are underlying technical or policy-related factors at play.

Case studies of businesses that have faced this issue

The “No Products for These Locations” error is a common challenge faced by many businesses across various industries and regions. Here are a couple of case studies that illustrate how different companies have successfully addressed and overcome this issue:

Case Study 1: Global Retail Brand

A well-known global retail brand with operations in over 50 countries encountered the “No Products for These Locations” error for several key markets, including the United States, Canada, and parts of Europe. After investigating the issue, they discovered that their product data feed lacked consistent country and region codes, leading to conflicts with their Merchant Center account settings.

To resolve the issue, the company implemented a comprehensive data quality assurance process, involving a dedicated team responsible for regularly auditing and updating their product data feed. They also invested in specialized software to automate the validation and mapping of location-related data.

Additionally, the company worked closely with Google’s support team to ensure their product data feed and Merchant Center account settings were properly aligned. After several rounds of troubleshooting and feed updates, the “No Products for These Locations” error was resolved, and their products were once again visible in the affected markets.

Case Study 2: E-commerce Startup

An e-commerce startup specializing in outdoor gear faced the “No Products for These Locations” error when attempting to expand their operations to new markets in Asia and South America. Initially, they struggled to identify the root cause of the issue, as their product data feed appeared to be accurate and compliant.

After seeking assistance from Google’s support team, it was discovered that the issue stemmed from a conflict between their product data feed and their Merchant Center account’s shipping settings. Specifically, the company had inadvertently excluded certain regions from their shipping zones, leading to the “No Products for These Locations” error in those areas.

To resolve the issue, the startup updated their shipping settings in their Merchant Center account to include the previously excluded regions. They also implemented a more rigorous review process for their product data feed and account settings before launching in new markets.

By taking a proactive approach and leveraging Google’s support resources, the e-commerce startup was able to successfully expand their operations to the desired markets without encountering the “No Products for These Locations” error again.

These case studies highlight the importance of regular data quality checks, close collaboration with Google’s support team, and staying vigilant about potential conflicts or misalignments between your product data feed and Merchant Center account settings.

Best practices for optimizing your Merchant Center feed

Maintaining an optimized and compliant Merchant Center feed is crucial for ensuring your products are visible and properly displayed across all relevant locations. Here are some best practices to follow:

  1. Regularly audit and update your product data feed: Establish a routine for auditing and updating your product data feed, particularly for location-related information such as country codes, region codes, shipping settings, and currency information. This helps ensure that your feed remains accurate and up-to-date.
  2. Leverage automation and data quality tools: Invest in automation tools or specialized software to streamline the process of updating and validating your product data feed. These tools can help minimize human errors and ensure consistency across your product data.
  3. Align your feed with Google’s policies and requirements: Stay informed about Google’s policies and requirements for product data feeds, and ensure that your feed is compliant. Regularly check for any updates or changes that may impact your feed’s structure or content.
  4. Utilize Google’s feed validation tools: Take advantage of Google’s feed validation tools to identify and resolve any errors or issues with your product data feed before uploading it to your Merchant Center account.
  5. Maintain consistent location data across platforms: If you sell products through multiple channels or platforms, ensure that your location-related data is consistent across all platforms. This helps prevent conflicts and ensures a seamless shopping experience for customers.
  6. Leverage location-specific data sources: If you operate in multiple regions or countries, consider leveraging location-specific data sources or databases to ensure accurate and consistent location-related information in your product data feed.
  7. Monitor and analyze performance data: Regularly monitor and analyze your product performance data, paying close attention to any location-specific trends or issues. This can help you identify potential problems early and take proactive measures to address them.
  8. Collaborate with Google’s support team: Don’t hesitate to reach out to Google’s support team if you encounter any issues or have questions regarding your Merchant Center feed or account settings. Their expertise and guidance can be invaluable in resolving complex issues.

By following these best practices, you can significantly improve the accuracy and effectiveness of your Merchant Center feed, ensuring that your products are visible and properly displayed across all relevant locations.

If you’re encountering the “No Products for These Locations” error in your Google Merchant Center feed, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of experts. We specialize in optimizing product data feeds and resolving Merchant Center issues, ensuring your products are visible and accurately displayed across all your target locations. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help you maximize your online sales potential.


The “No Products for These Locations” error in your Google Merchant Center feed can be a frustrating and potentially costly issue, but it is certainly not an insurmountable one. By understanding the common reasons behind this error, identifying the affected locations, and following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article, you can effectively resolve the issue and ensure your products are visible to customers in all your desired markets.

Remember, maintaining an accurate and optimized product data feed is crucial for success in online retail. Regularly auditing and updating your feed, staying informed about policy changes, and leveraging automation tools and Google’s support resources can go a long way in preventing and addressing location-related issues.

Ultimately, the key to overcoming the “No Products for These Locations” error lies in a proactive and diligent approach to data quality, combined with a willingness to seek assistance from experts when needed. By following best practices and staying vigilant, you can ensure a seamless and effective product listing experience on Google, maximizing your online sales potential and reaching customers across all your target locations.


Patrick Vega

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