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Prompt to Make GPT More Human

Artificial intelligence, particularly GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) models developed by OpenAI, has revolutionized the way we interact with machines. These models can now engage in conversations, assist with complex tasks, and provide information in ways that were unimaginable just a few years ago. Despite their incredible utility, AI language models like GPT still sometimes feel robotic or impersonal, leaving users searching for ways to make them more “human” in their interactions.

This article explores how to craft prompts that make GPT models like GPT-4 more human-like in their responses. We’ll break down the science behind why this works and provide practical tips to create more natural and relatable conversations with AI.

Understanding GPT: How It Works

Before diving into the nuances of prompting, it’s essential to understand how GPT models function. At their core, GPT models are deep learning models trained on massive datasets containing text from books, articles, websites, and other textual sources. The model learns the relationships between words, sentences, and paragraphs, allowing it to predict what comes next in a conversation or a text. However, while these models excel at language generation, they don’t inherently understand emotions, context, or personal nuances the way humans do. This is where well-structured prompts can help bridge the gap.

Why Do GPT Responses Sometimes Feel Robotic?

Even though GPT models are designed to understand and generate natural language, they can sometimes produce responses that feel mechanical or formulaic. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Lack of Emotional Understanding: While GPT models can recognize words related to emotions, they don’t actually “feel” or empathize like humans do. This can result in responses that lack emotional depth or subtlety.
  2. Limited Context: GPT models process individual prompts and respond accordingly, but they may not always hold context well over long conversations. The result can be disjointed or off-topic responses.
  3. Overly Formal Language: GPT models tend to use formal language because much of the training data comes from structured, formal sources. This can make responses sound less conversational and more like they came from a textbook.
  4. Literal Interpretation of Prompts: GPT is highly literal. It follows instructions exactly as they are given, so if a prompt is vague or unclear, the AI may struggle to provide a nuanced or human-like answer.

The Power of Prompts: Shaping the AI’s Behavior

Prompts are the key to shaping how GPT interacts with users. The way a question or statement is phrased can significantly impact the tone, content, and even the apparent “personality” of the AI’s response. Crafting the right prompt can help make GPT feel more human by encouraging it to engage in natural, flowing dialogue.

1. Personalize the Conversation

One of the simplest ways to make GPT more human is to give it a character or personality in your prompt. By assigning the AI a specific role or persona, you can encourage it to respond in a more relatable way. For example:

  • Prompt: “You are a friendly and empathetic teacher helping me understand a difficult topic. Can you explain the concept of gravity in simple terms?”

In this example, giving GPT the persona of a friendly teacher makes the tone of the response more approachable and conversational, rather than overly formal or technical.

2. Encourage Empathy and Emotion

Though GPT doesn’t feel emotions, you can guide it to express empathy or emotional responses by framing your prompt in an emotional context. Asking GPT to respond with understanding or care will nudge it towards more human-like interaction.

  • Prompt: “I’ve had a tough day, and I need some words of encouragement. Can you help me feel better?”
  • Expected Response: “I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had a rough day. Remember, challenges are temporary, and you have the strength to get through them. Take a moment to relax, and things will improve soon.”

By directly asking for empathy or comfort, you encourage GPT to craft a response that mimics human compassion.

3. Use Conversational Prompts

People rarely speak in long, formal sentences during everyday conversations. To make GPT sound more human, frame your prompts like natural conversations rather than as essay questions.

  • Prompt: “Hey, what’s up? Can you tell me about the benefits of exercise in a chill way?”
  • Expected Response: “Hey! Sure thing. Exercise is awesome because it boosts your mood, gives you energy, and keeps you healthy. Plus, it’s a great way to clear your mind after a long day. You don’t need to go all out—just a little bit goes a long way!”

This prompt and response feel casual and conversational, making the AI sound more approachable and human.

4. Ask for Stories or Personal Experiences

Humans connect through stories, and while GPT doesn’t have personal experiences, it can generate creative and engaging narratives. Asking the AI to tell a story or share “personal” insights can give responses more depth and relatability.

  • Prompt: “Can you tell me a story about a time you helped someone overcome a challenge?”
  • Expected Response: “Sure! Imagine a time when someone was struggling with a big exam. They were really stressed and didn’t know where to start. I stepped in and broke down the material into simple chunks, helping them focus on one thing at a time. Slowly, their confidence grew, and by the time the exam rolled around, they felt ready and did great!”

While GPT’s story is fabricated, it follows the human pattern of storytelling and makes the AI seem more relatable.

5. Be Specific with Tone and Style

If you want a more relaxed, professional, or even humorous response, you can adjust your prompt accordingly. Telling GPT how to respond in terms of tone and style will yield results closer to what you’d expect in human conversation.

  • Prompt: “Respond to me like we’re close friends, and you’re giving me advice on how to deal with stress.”
  • Expected Response: “Hey, I totally get it, stress can be a real pain. But you’ve got this! Start by taking deep breaths and breaking things down into smaller steps. Also, don’t forget to take a break now and then. You’ll get through this, trust me!”

Here, the casual tone mimics how a close friend might offer advice, making the interaction feel more personal.

6. Use First-Person Prompts

Prompts in the first person can create a more direct and engaging conversation. This method shifts the tone from transactional to interactive, where GPT feels more like a conversation partner.

  • Prompt: “I’ve been thinking about starting a new hobby, but I don’t know where to start. Can you help me figure it out?”
  • Expected Response: “That’s awesome! Starting a new hobby is a great way to learn something new and have fun. What are you interested in? If you like being creative, maybe try painting or writing. If you’re into physical activity, maybe a sport or hiking could be cool. What do you think?”

This back-and-forth style feels more interactive and responsive, mimicking human dialogue patterns.

7. Ask Follow-up Questions

In human conversations, people ask follow-up questions to deepen understanding or explore new topics. Asking GPT follow-up questions makes the dialogue more dynamic and less one-sided.

  • Prompt: “That’s interesting! Can you explain a bit more about how hiking can be a stress reliever?”
  • Expected Response: “Absolutely! Hiking helps reduce stress because it combines physical activity with nature, which is super calming. Being outside in the fresh air and focusing on the trail can take your mind off of things that are worrying you. Plus, exercise releases endorphins, which naturally improve your mood.”

By creating a series of connected prompts and responses, you build a flowing conversation that feels more human.


Creating a more human-like interaction with GPT requires crafting prompts that are specific, conversational, and emotionally tuned. By using personalization, encouraging empathy, asking for stories, and maintaining a natural dialogue style, you can guide GPT to engage in ways that feel more like talking to a human being.

AI technology will continue to evolve, but for now, the key to making GPT more human lies in the hands of the user. With the right prompts, you can transform your interactions with AI from robotic exchanges to conversations that feel more natural and relatable, enhancing both the utility and the enjoyment of engaging with GPT.


Patrick Vega

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